

2011 Footllocker South Regionals Freshman Class Championship

       168 of the fastest freshmen in sixteen states lined up on November 26th in Charlotte, North Carolina to run one of the most competitive High school races in the nation.  Our family got there the day before, so that I'd have time to run the course before race day.  It was a very pretty course.  The spectators can watch the final stretch of the race across a beautiful lake.  This will be a race to remember.  I lined up on the second row of runners.  The gun sounded, and I went into a fast sprint, until I caught up with the leaders.  Wile in eighth place, I hung on to run a 5:06 first mile.  I tried to keep up, but after I hit the first hill and came out of the woods, the rest of the runners started to catch up to me.  I ended with a personal record of 17:01 and came in 22nd overall.  The winner, Kurt Convey from Florida, ran a 16:20.  Not a bad race at all.  For the complete results visit Footlocker South Regional Freshman Boys Footlocker South Regional Freshman Boys Results
                                                          Check out the Pics and video!

This is the top ten (excluding Joshua Brickel from GA)  Ahmed Bile (red shirt) showed everyone the Superman hand sign for the picture. 

Chilllin' with Tommy Fitzgerald
He ran in the Senior race and came out with a really fast time of 17:21

The one and only Curt Knight
He wasn't happy with his time, but he finished first in all of Mississippi with a time of 17:02 in the Freshman race

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Kurt Convey

Corbin Boyles and Joshua Mitchell
2nd and 3rd