

2012 Cavemen Cross Country's High Altitude Camp

 Scout Falls

       Soon after my family moved here to Utah, I joined the American Fork School's Cross-Country team.  They invited me to go to a high altitude running camp with them, and I gladly accepted.  The picture below shows us all gathered around a campfire after a tiring day of running and climbing up to Scout Falls.  This camp was a real blast. 


 A good card game of President


This was the end-of-camp 5x1600 race. 
Our team ended up doing very well, coming in first. 
I was our team's starting runner.

 Jace was our second. 

Morgan was our third runner

Maddie was our fourth runner

Tyler was our anchor

Zions Young Men Camp

I went to a Camp called Zions Camp this past week from Monday to Saturday.  The group I went down with had a lot of fun.  The first day of camp, we went hiking through a downpour of rain  (A rare occurrence in Utah nowadays).  On day two, we went boating, and saw a rescue helicopter fly overhead.  Day three was archery and shotgun shooting day.  Last, but not least we went to the Manti temple on day four.  If I were to pick one day that meant the most to me, I'd say it was Friday, when we visited the temple.  Sports and thrills are fun and all, but they don't have nearly as much meaning as the temple trip did.  I'm really glad I went on this camp with the 34th Ward. 

This is the Life-flight copter pictured here with my friend, Caden.

My friend, Kysen, is a pretty good knife-thrower.

This little guy lived a foot above our tent.

Everything got soaked on Saturday after a downpour of rain swept in. 

Our Campsite

It took us a while to get out of the mud on Saturday morning. 

This is the lake we fished from

My counselor Brother Atwood

Hangin' out around camp carving hiking sticks
The line for dinner was pretty long.

Our dinner

 My friend Logan


Moving to Utah

Since my family and I will be moving to Highland, Utah sometime around the end of May, I'll be attending a High school called the American Fork Cavemen. I'll be getting a new coach and a new team to work with over the next few years or so.  It'll be a huge change for all of us.  This upcoming week will mark the beginning of another new year for us in a different city, going to a different school, with different people, but with family there waiting for us to arrive.  This Summer is going to be action-packed. 

American Fork has one top-notch running program. The boys Cross-Country team has been ranked #6 out of the past 8 years in the Southwest United States.  But, what is a team without the coach?  The American Fork Cavemen's coach, Timo Mostert, has been the CC coach for about 14 years.  He 'was recognized as the "Utah Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year" in 2010 by the NFHS', and has coached the Cavemen's CC team to 3 State Championships since he started in 1998.  For more information visit this site.

Coach Mostert

Last year, American Fork's Cross-Country team finished first in their Region.  They went to State with high expectations, and brought home exactly what they were after:  A State Championship.  I can't wait to get out there in the mix with all these big-time runners!  This upcoming year is going to be awesome! 

American Fork's Region Meet

I have a lot to look forward to with all but three of these guys coming back next year for another run for State.  They are seen here posing for last year's close State Championship victory over Davis High School in 2011. I'll see about helping them next year, starting by increasing my mileage workout for the rest of May.  When I get out to Utah, I'll see what new plans my coach will have laid out for the season.  For more information about the American Fork Cross Country team, visit Coach Mostert's blog.  The kickoff race will be on August 25th at the High School.  And so...   it begins. 

Marzouq Shriners Mother's Day 5K

This was the Marzouq Shriner's first Grand Prix race experience.  They handled the parking, and the trails were all well-marked.  What makes this race so execptional is this:  Instead of handing out ribbons, medals, or even trophies, they give out something much more appetizing.  Cake.  Yes, cake, and lots of it.  I'm talkin' chocolate cakes, pecan pies, cheese cakes, velvet cakes, and all kinds of delicious pies and cakes.   Kevin Sullivan took the cake this year, and finished with a time of 16:06.  For the complete results visit  This is one of my favotrite races, and I'm definitely going to try and come back next year over the Summer to run in it again. 

Canadian Olympian Kevin Sullivan coming in First, once again
Vince Molosky rollin' into second
I came in third, got a birthday cake, and almost ran a PR. 
Seven more seconds, and I'm there!
Coach Droze was, by far, the fastest master of the race. 
Number 5 Stanley Linton

My grandparents showed up to watch me race. 

(They weren't expecting to have their picture taken)

Gnat Days

On May 4th, I ran a 17:51 in the gnat Days 5K race.  The leaders and I went off course for a good 300 meters, but this will be good practice for the Memorial Day race on the 28th.  One of these days, I'll run under 17 minutes.  For now, Coach Kenney's training program will get me where I need to be.  Our family has two more races left here around the Georgia/Florida state line.  Let's make the best of them!

Before-race stretch 
(There's a first time for everything)

Caroline (far left in the pink shirt) ran another 5K on her own
She did really well for a 10 year old






Philip Wilbourn ran a strong race

Jacob ran a great time of 21:15

Mrs. Alexander was the Overall Female Master winner of the race

Mrs. Harris joined the race and ran a fast time of 25:17